
Hamrick at NOCCA

Louisiana Tech University School of Art Associate Professor and Photography Area Coordinator Frank Hamrick recently visited NOCCA – The New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, a pre-professional arts high school. There Professor Hamrick lectured to NOCCA’s photography students about the photographs and handmade books he displayed in a two person exhibition in NOCCA’s gallery. The exhibition, shared with photographer Steve Pyke, and Hamrick’s lecture was part of the Photo NOLA festival, which is held each December in New Orleans. Professor Hamrick spoke with the students about what inspires his artwork and how he approaches the delivery of those concepts.

Five of Hamrick’s handmade books are also featured in the Currents Exhibition at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, which is also participating in the Photo NOLA festival. Hamrick stated, “I have gone to Photo NOLA for the past two years to see the exhibitions, listen to lectures and have my portfolio reviewed. So it was great to be included in the festival’s events this time. I hope to continue working with the New Orleans Photo Alliance, which is the organization that hosts the Photo NOLA festival each year.”