
Architecture Professors Present at National Conference on Beginning Design

Assistant Professors Liane Hancock, Brad Deal and Miguel Lasala presented papers at the 2016 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student in San Luis Obispo, California. This conference has developed into the most significant venue to discuss foundation design pedagogy in architecture. This year’s conference explored the role and value of 1:1 (full scale) in contemporary design pedagogy:

As an expansive theme, 1:1 can be understood as a scale of work, a process of translation, or a working relationship. A 1:1 engagement with materials can also be a 1:1 engagement with the world outside of design studio—local and global communities, industry, and other disciplines. 1:1 practices vary in scale and aspiration, but always seek a direct engagement with the real. The real, however, also presents myriad challenges—it is expensive, resource intensive, time consuming, logistically driven, and fraught with liability. Given these challenges, how can design pedagogy impart a 1:1 intelligence that not only translates from the academy to practice, but also has the potential to transform practice in the future?

The papers presented by the SOD faculty were:

“Fabricating Space,” Liane Hancock & Miguel Lasala, describing the teaching pedagogy for ARCH 125 (Foundation Design II)


“Abstracting Scale: The One Week High School Prequel,” Liane Hancock & Brad Deal, describing the teaching pedagogy for the School of Design’s summer camp program.


“Making it Theirs: Singular vs Inclusive Design Authorship in the Building Studio,” Brad Deal & Miguel Lasala, describing pedagogy for ARCH 135 (Foundation Design III).